Have you ever wondered why some people seem to effortlessly build wealth while others struggle? What if we told you that the key to success lies in exercising patience and embracing the long game?
Many individuals make the mistake of chasing get-rich-quick schemes or expecting instant results. But in reality, true wealth is built on a solid foundation of patience and time.
Join us as we explore the story of a syndicated deal from 40 years ago, where a small investment in land turned into a staggering 40-fold return. Discover how patience and foresight transformed a humble 80-acre property purchased for 25 cents a foot into a multimillion-dollar asset.
00:00 Introduction
00:37 Tip #9: Patience Pays
02:22 Building Wealth Takes Time
03:19 The 1% Mentality
04:19 Investing in Real Estate is Like Planting a Garden
05:05 Patience Pays Off
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You're listening to Commercial Real Estate Secrets. My name's Aviva. These first 10 episodes are my tips on how to get started in commercial real estate. We're on tip number nine, and as the leading commercial real estate internet personality, I have dedicated my life to opening the floodgates of information about commercial real estate, because you deserve to build wealth
Aviva (00:37.171)
industry. We're on tip number nine. It's called patience pays. So my father who is my business partner, mentor, bestie for life,
syndicated a deal 40 years ago, which means he collected money from friends and family to buy about 80 acres of ground in Denver. He felt like this was the right move. He knew what was going on in the area, whatever. Izzy bought that property for 25 cents a foot, okay? In July of 2022, we sold that property
years later for $3.75 a foot. For perspective, that means that the land in total was purchased by my father, friends, and family for $2 million. And in July of 2022, we sold it for $25 million.
Aviva (01:52.75)
So, everybody thinks that, you know, and I think the internet has really created this monster of get rich quick schemes, and that you need to get rich quick in order to maintain wealth or even start it, right? It's like you're supposed to wake up one day and suddenly you're wealthy and that's how you become wealthy.
Aviva (02:22.31)
has become this very flashy brava thing that you can literally fake on the internet right you could take pictures within a private jet and it's upset they're like it's it's absurd to be honest with you the reality in life is that all good things take time right we live in a society where we can access anything in a flash and people expect to receive wealth in a flash
Building wealth with no foundation is like literally having a house of cards, right? If you all of a sudden wake up with all this money, you don't know what to do with it, right? But instead, you need to create a foundation, a stable foundation, and build off of it.
Aviva (03:19.45)
Now the issue with creating a stable foundation is that it takes time and patience, right? 99% of people don't want to be patient. So if 99% of people don't exercise the patience in order to create wealth, that leaves 1%, right? And now we talk about the 1% life. Well, the folks who have the 1% life are willing to do what 99% of people won't do.
The really cool thing about commercial real estate is it's just patience. It's just time. You don't have to do anything literally, right? Commercial real estate is like skiing, right? Once you get to the top and you just have to go downhill, I don't want to say it's easy because if you saw me go down a mountain, nothing looks easy about that. But patience.
pays Use patience as leverage now Investing in real estate is like planting a garden. Okay, this is how you get the foundation
Imagine a garden and imagine planting a little seed one seed at a time Over the course of your life, right? Here's a seed. Here's a seed and one's gonna grow at this pace and one's gonna grow at that pace, right? your life real estate investments Are like a garden you're going to slowly plant it over time and watch it flourish and provide to you
Aviva (05:05.291)
That ground that my father syndicated 40 years ago was only one seed, but it represents a garden with a foundation of wealth and success. Patience pays my friends.
What questions do you have for me? DM me on Instagram @AvivaRealEstate. Also head on down to my show notes I've got another freebie there for you how to get started in commercial real estate and on the next Episode here shortly. We've got my next tip to get started in commercial real estate. It's tip number eight. What's my role? And the secrets revealed. See you shortly.