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Oct. 18, 2023

3 Real Estate Investing Tips For Passive Income

Are you missing out on key strategies in commercial real estate investing?

Many investors believe that they lack the funds or connections to break into the commercial real estate market. What if I told you there's a way to leverage unconventional avenues to create wealth through real estate?


  • How to use your IRA to invest in high-potential syndications.
  • The power of networking in today's digital age and how to utilize it to find investment opportunities.
  • Simple steps to begin your commercial real estate journey, even if you're starting with a small budget.

Tune in as Aviva, a seasoned commercial real estate professional, shares invaluable insights on how to navigate the world of commercial real estate investing. Whether you're a novice or an experienced investor, there's always more to learn. Dive into this episode and unlock the secrets to financial freedom through commercial real estate.

When you finish listening, I'd love to hear your biggest takeaway from today’s episode. Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, share it to your Instagram stories and tag me, @avivarealestate!

While you’re there, make sure you follow me on Tik Tok and Instagram so you can see behind the scenes of how to build wealth with commercial real estate and how you can too.

Looking to how to get started in commercial real estate? This is the number one question Aviva gets asked daily. Download my FREE guide to teach you exactly what you need to get started!


[00:00:00] This is Commercial Real Estate Secrets. My name's Aviva. I'm a commercial real estate owner, broker, manager, and internet personality. Commercial real estate has been a gate kept industry until now. I believe in opening the gates, sharing strategies and techniques necessary for achieving financial freedom through commercial real estate.

This week's Listener of the Week is Real Estate Maverick1479. Real Estate Maverick, DM us your mailing address and thank you for the five star review. For those of you listening, if you leave us a five star review below, you might be next week's Listener of the Week. Week. Week. A couple years ago, some friends reached out to me.

They were putting together a development and syndicating money, which means raising money from family and [00:01:00] friends to fund the transaction. And at the time, I just didn't have the liquidity. But, it was a really, really good deal, and, and I really wanted to invest in it. And I had expressed that to somebody I knew, and they said, Do you invest in a Roth or SEP IRA?

And, okay, hear me out guys, I, I can't talk too in depth about IRAs and SEPs and Roths and, you know. However, I could tell you some really high level investing strategies and what I learned was there was a strategy where you could take the money that you were investing in your IRA and apply it to this real estate syndication.

And so, as a result, Although I didn't have the liquidity [00:02:00] in my bank account, I did have liquidity in my IRA, and I was able to take that money, invest it in the syndication, and over four years it will, uh, over double. So, a little glimpse of unbelievable passive opportunities when you know they exist, right?

It literally... Crushes my soul that they don't teach this conventionally because everybody should know These unbelievable strategies and that's why you and I are here today Literally, so I've heard all of the Objections, I don't have enough money to invest in commercial real estate. I don't have rich friends.

Oh Or family to invest in commercial real estate, and I'm very excited to tell you that you don't need either of those to create [00:03:00] financial freedom, passive income, and essentially just extract all of the benefits of commercial real estate. Now,

if you're in the mindset of, I don't have rich friends, I don't have family that has money. You're just setting yourself up for limiting beliefs, and limiting beliefs set yourself up for limiting actions, and limiting actions, well, that sure doesn't help your bottom line. So, when you just close the door, because maybe you're You know, you feel ashamed you don't have the money or the connections when you close the door You you're closing the door not just to commercial real estate, but so much more in your life and it's really sad Right, like that's not why you and I are here today You and I are here today because we both know about the opportunity at hand and we both [00:04:00] know that anybody with the proper knowledge And discipline, right?

You have to be able to save money. If you got credit card debt, this ain't the party for you. You gotta pay off your debt before you start investing in real estate. Anybody can do this. That's why we're here, right? And I'm gonna tell you a really cool way that I have found recently to invest in commercial real estate passively.

So, look, you're not alone. If you have made this mistake before, right, if you've just said throwing your hands up in the air. I don't have the money. I don't have the resources, you know, maybe in 10 years. That's normal, right? These are not conventional ways to build wealth or are they right? Why is it not taught in school?

When I found out that I could use my IRA and invested into real estate [00:05:00] and do what the stock market will not be able to do in a four year period. I was mad just because everybody should know this like this should be conventional. This should be taught in school, but it's not. Why? Because if they taught the general public basic financial freedom tactics.

The government wouldn't have so much control over us, but that's a topic for another podcast now if you choose to Shut the door. You're opening up your Risk, but in a bad way, right? You're risking your financial freedom, right? You're risking time with your friends family Etc, right like

The worst part is that you're just [00:06:00] risking teaching your future generations poor form, right? You think about generational wealth mindsets. That's, that's a, that's a rabbit hole if you want to go into it, right? Everybody has friends who, or maybe this is you, who grew up poor, and their parents said to them, we're poor.

You're poor. And then it creates this cyclical action and mental mentality. We're poor. My parents are poor. I'm supposed to be poor. I could never invest in commercial real estate. That's for rich people. I don't, you know, go back to what we were talking about. I don't have enough money. I don't have rich friends.

Do you want to give your kid that mindset? That's terrifying. That's, it's really sad. And you're not here because of that, right? I know you [00:07:00] don't, so, so don't risk it. By creating limiting beliefs about wealth, about investing. Like, the world is abundant, there is so much opportunity. Take it, seek it out.

Yeah, it's not gonna be easy. All the good stuff isn't easy. Seek it out, see it through. Teach your future generations that... Just because you may have been stuck in a poor mindset, poor life, poor cycle, that doesn't mean the trajectory of your family, your life, is that of, right, a poor whomever. There is so much more.

To investing into the world, right? The world is abundant. See it through. So i'm going to tell you a way, you know, so look i've heard this before. [00:08:00] I don't have rich friends I don't know where to syndicate great news. I hopped on the internet Met some cool women who like to invest in commercial real estate and they held a Investor summit right so I went to it now You can do this locally or you can literally come to this summit with me But at the summit I met a woman who was doing a syndication.

Okay, buy in was 25 grand She was buying developing syndicating Looking for partners. I looked at her track record, background, yada, yada, yada. This woman was, couldn't be more qualified. Bingo. I just found somebody to invest in a, in commercial real estate with passively. And two years ago, I didn't know this [00:09:00] person, right?

Your network is so much bigger than what it was 10, 20 years ago because of the internet. And you can do your due diligence on these people effortlessly. So, so to say you don't know rich people and, good news, you don't need to. Good news, if you just put effort into it, you can get it done. It's, This world is abundant and it starts with your mind other unbelievable ways to buy commercial real estate passively invest in the stock market, invest in REITs, right?

There are ways that you can invest in real estate through the stock market. I'm not a stock market pro. I'll be the first person to tell you that I'm just a girl in a warehouse, but if you're if your bet is on real estate, you can bet through the stock market on real estate and even you can if you have [00:10:00] your IRA.

For example, like my IRAs live in Vanguard. You can invest your Vanguard IRAs into REITs, right? Find a, find somebody investing. Hit the internet. There are communities of people looking to syndicate, looking for partners. Do your due diligence. Don't do dumb deals. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

And then the last is syndicate. Maybe, maybe your neighbor's moving. And you like the property and you're talking to him, right? Find some friends and family. You can do it.

These entry points are so good to just start your career investing in commercial real estate [00:11:00] because if you go to buy your neighbor's property, And it's just you, right? You've been saving your whole life and there's a lot of risk in one property, right? And there's also, you know, risk and how it's associated with reward, right?

There's a direct correlation between risk and reward, yada, yada, yada. However, if you start by investing small amounts in different places, you're gonna mitigate your risk, right? So maybe, maybe you are scared. Good, that's perfect. Invest in some REITs. Right? Plant your little seeds and let them grow and flourish, right?

This is approachable to you. This is doable by anybody. And the way to extract the most amount of money out of commercial real estate is literally patience, right? Just time. [00:12:00] Let it sit. Let it work for you. It's the easiest thing ever. Not having to do anything. And then getting a check in five years and your money is doubled or tripled or forexed.

So what questions do you have for me? DM me at Aviva Real Estate. If you want to learn more about commercial real estate, head down to my free guide in the show notes. It's a really dense freebie about investing in commercial real estate brokerage, both of them. And next week, stick around. We're hitting episode 28.

Yep. Three easy ways to dominate the real estate market crash in 2024. Four. Four. See you then. Ready to start building your commercial real estate empire? We are now accepting new members into the Commercial Wealth Creator membership. This is for dreamers who want to become [00:13:00] doers and know they can do so with our help.

Head over to commercialwealthcreator. com and we'll see you inside.